
Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most common questions below. If your question isn't covered here, don't hesitate to contact our dedicated customer support team for assistance.

How does OnlyPhones work?
Is OnlyPhones safe and secure for conversations?
How do I get started on OnlyPhones?
What topics can I discuss on OnlyPhones?
How do I set my rates for conversations?
How do I schedule conversations with others?
What happens if I miss a scheduled call on OnlyPhones?
How do I get paid for conversations on OnlyPhones?
What if I have technical issues during a call?
Can I provide feedback or report inappropriate behavior on OnlyPhones?
Is there a rating system for users on OnlyPhones?
Can I connect with users from different countries or regions on OnlyPhones?
Are there any guidelines or rules I need to follow while using OnlyPhones?
How do I ensure the privacy of my conversations on OnlyPhones?
Is there a customer support team available to assist me if needed?
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